Extreme Noise Terror - A Holocaust in Your Head CD Importado Candlelight Records USA!!!!
Extreme Noise Terror - A Holocaust in Your Head CD Importado Candlelight Records USA!!!!
Extreme Noise Terror - A Holocaust in Your Head CD Importado Candlelight Records USA!!!!
R$ 120,00
18× de R$ 8,72
sem jurosR$ 120,00R$ 120,00
R$ 62,71R$ 125,42
R$ 42,42R$ 127,26
R$ 32,28R$ 129,12
R$ 26,20R$ 131,00
R$ 22,14R$ 132,84
R$ 19,25R$ 134,75
R$ 17,09R$ 136,72
R$ 15,41R$ 138,69
10×R$ 14,06R$ 140,60
11×R$ 12,96R$ 142,56
12×R$ 12,05R$ 144,60
13×R$ 11,28R$ 146,64
14×R$ 10,62R$ 148,68
15×R$ 10,04R$ 150,60
16×R$ 9,55R$ 152,80
17×R$ 9,11R$ 154,87
18×R$ 8,72R$ 156,96
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A Holocaust in Your Head é o álbum de estreia da banda britânica de crust punk/grindcore Extreme Noise Terror. O álbum foi lançado em 1989 pela High-Speed ​​Recordings.

1 Deceived 2:01
2 The Helpless 0:50
3 Bullshit Propaganda 1:54
4 Fucked Up System 0:47
5 No Threat 1:07
6 Show Us You Care 3:00
7 Use Your Mind 2:04
8 Innocence To Ignorance 1:26
9 Conned Through Life 1:14
10 Murder 2:09
11 Take The Strain 1:12
12 Another Nail In The Coffin 1:35
13 Raping The Earth 1:24
14 If You're Only In It For The Music (S.O.D. Off) 1:51
15 Intro 2:16
16 In It For Life 1:56
17 Subliminal Music Mind Control 1:53
18 Work For Never 1:40
19 Punk: Fact Or Fiction? 1:41
20 Cruelty To Carnivores 2:03
21 Damaging Noise 1:55