Judas Priest - "British Steel" DCD Nacional!!!
Judas Priest - "British Steel" DCD Nacional!!!
Judas Priest - "British Steel" DCD Nacional!!!
R$ 30,00
6× de R$ 5,54
sem jurosR$ 30,00R$ 30,00
R$ 15,68R$ 31,36
R$ 10,60R$ 31,80
R$ 8,07R$ 32,28
R$ 6,55R$ 32,75
R$ 5,54R$ 33,24
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1 Breaking The Law
2 United
3 Metal Gods
4 The Rage
5 Grinder
6 Living After Midnight
7 End Cretits

Bonus Videos / Interviews

1 Rock 'N' Rio (1991 Grinder)
2 Living After Midnight
3 Breaking The Law
4 Rapid Fire
5 Scott Travis (Drums)
6 Early Gigs
7 Naming Of The Album / Artwork
8 White Room Story
9 Rock 'N' Roll Stories